Review of ‘The Greatest Salesman in the World’ by Og Mandino

The title says it all for this book- ‘The greatest salesman in the world’. Undoubtedly, the one who reads this book and implements the secrets held in the 10 scrolls would be a great salesman. But also anyone who would implement them would transform to be the greatest one in his/her field for sure. The … Read more

Interview of Rabjot Singh Isher author of ‘A Journey Back Home’

Interviewed by Shweta Kesari 1. What is literature to you? Literature can be anything that can add value to my life and understanding. That can make me more compassionate and peaceful and that can bring change in society and in the mindsets of people. So for me literature and value addition are closely linked. 2. … Read more

A Tree and a Woman

A tree is a powerful symbol and it appears in many creation stories, such as the World Ash or the Garden of Eden. Religions have revered trees. Buddha was enlightened sitting under a tree. Christmas is celebrated by decorating Christmas trees. Its beauty and glory is in the green leaves, flowers and fruits that blossom … Read more

‘Wise enough to be foolish’ by Gauri Jayaram

Review by Shweta Kesari ‘Wise Enough to be Foolish’ is a fictionalized memoir that traces the journey of an Indian girl’s life, with all its challenges and delightful surprises, as she blossoms from an insecure child into a confident young woman.The novel deals with the adventure, laughter and heartache, as she balances her love life … Read more

‘A Kaithali Street Tale’ by Arjun Chandrashekhar

Review by Shweta Kesari In Kaithali Street, the days get boisterous for Arjun with the arrival of an American researcher and his son – Mr.John and Julian John. Arjun’s friendship with the Yankee teen develops to tremendous dimensions through unexpected events of adventure and humor. While Julian John enjoys everything around him in the foreign … Read more