Title: Chasing Illusions
Author: Utakarsh Jayant
This is the story of an honest, but befuddled young man’s growth in the hazy real-estate sector of Delhi. Set against the backdrop of the rapidly changing social and economic scenario in villages of the National Capital Region during the early 2000’s.It relates about his struggle under the omnipresent shadow of corruption, deceit, and swindling at various levels of politics and society in developing India. It speaks of his ultimate metamorphosis into an unscrupulous, cheating, and bullying goon, blind to right or wrong.
My View:
What happens when a young lad tries to build his career in the midst of unsteady market and profit growth? What are the impediments to progress? Does his family face any sort of financial and emotional hurdles? What happened, you ask? Well, the book answers all your questions.
“Chasing Illusions” portrays the story of a young adult male protagonist. This book mainly concentrates on the economic and political scenario. It is a twisted tale of struggles, avarice, deception, family and relationships.
The plot is arranged in a fine manner in which there are certain sequence of events in Ajay’s life: a glimpse of his teenage years to adolescence, how his area of interest keep varying from time to time and his urge to be successful. Also, the transformation in his profession and job from a small village to a big evolving city. The book depicts how his monetary conditions changed rapidly and stayed that way through thick and thin.
The engaging title of the story gives the reader a sense of intrigue. Though, the cover is fine but, the prologue targets the problems faced by budding entrepreneurs in our country. Undoubtedly, the strong subject of the story highlights how they juggle responsibilities and tackle the challenges on the road to success.
The concealment of facts, fraudulent things in business and local government very well focuses on the present situation. How a web of deceit and betrayal affects common man’s life is elucidated by the author.
The author created unique characters that influence the protagonist’s life in some or the other way. All the characters make the story sound more interesting. The second part of the story seems more inviting to the reader than the first one. Occasionally, the pace becomes slow but, the twists and turns in Ajay’s journey once again piques reader’s interest.
All in all, it is a fresh script. Recommended to the ones who wish to grasp some powerful lessons related to business world and entrepreneurial success.
Rating: 3/5
Reviewer: Shivani Chauhan