Title : Gods Table
Author : Santosh Avvanavar
Jyotti Byahatti
Dr. Sandeep Huilgol
Blurb : A noble couple. In noble professions. He’s a doctor and she’s a teacher. What do they discuss over meals – breakfast, lunch, dinner? They are perturbed by the social, moral, economical and anthropological issues plaguing our country these days. Meet Amrita and Robert, a couple who will speak on behalf of you. Witness their daily discussions on problems you think are worth talking about. Education, Medication, Elections, Corruptions, Honour Killing, Child Marriage, Social Media – you name it and the disease has already made deep wounds in our country’s body and soul.
God comes to rescue along with Amrita and Robert. Delve into the gospels and teachings of God to find a solution to each malady, if you wish to accept it. Authors Santosh Avvanavar, Jyothi Ghirwari and Dr. Sandeep Huilgo present a unique fiction in conversations to remind you how God would have faced and erased a few of our society’s key problems.
My views :
The book begins with a short introduction about the painting of Leonardo Da Vinci named “The Last Supper”. The title of the book is intriguing so as the cover which shows different evil threats (murder, terrorism, abuse, alcohol, corruption, drug, suicide etc.) of the society in each and every dish placed on the table.
The whole book is a collection of opinions and discussion on particular topics. There are twelve topics which are submerged in the book and are discussed by the characters on the dining table. Beginning with the very first topic.
Deemed Universities are Doomed : The topic covers the insights about the teaching environment and lessons which are provided and taught to the students. What knowledge a student should acquire in what way is very necessary for the proper mental growth of a student. The same is discussed in the Menu 1.
3 ‘W’s of the World : Here three ‘W’ means Wealth, Women and Wine. Menu 2 focuses on how this should be managed in a man’s life. The discussion is regarding three aspects viz., Women should be obeyed, Greed for wealth should be removed and Wine should not be consumed in excess.
Euthanasia : Author illuminates the meaning of the term ‘Euthanasia’. Euthanasia should be adopted or not? If someone is in trauma and in a painful disease then is it ok to let them die? Is it just a saying that God will rest us in peace? Menu 3 focuses on these three questions.
Elections : One should actively participate in voting process. In Menu 4 the discussion is about the voting process and about a question – Does the voting process really help in selecting a right candidate?
Health is Wealth : Health is really important in today’s hectic life. Menu 5 also speaks about the same. Along with food, exercise should also be given equal preference. After all it is a saying that ‘In a healthy body a healthy mind resides.’
Honour Killing : Menu 6 is about the marriage, a marriage in which spouse are from different caste. Why people don’t have the right to choose their life partner in India? Why the family members kill their own daughter when they came to know about their love? Menu 6 lands up with the conversation of such marriages and their outcomes.
Abuse : A child should be handled with care and love but some evil people of the society treats them like a toy and don’t even bother about the pain of a small child. Menu 7 focuses on the child abuses i.e. physical, emotional, sexual, negligence and exploitation.
Death : You are always unaware of the very next moment in your life and you really don’t know what will be held next. And when it comes to death it is totally unpredictable. Menu 8 is discussion about the death and a simple thought- ‘Relatives should accept the death fact for their loved ones instead of cursing God.’
Social Media : Everything should be in control like food, anger, sleep, work etc. Excessiveness of anything can land you up in a bad situation. Social media is good but its excessiveness will bury you someday in a difficult situation. Menu 9 focuses on the same thought viz. Social media should be in control.
Girl : Menu 10 delivers a very important message- ‘Everything has a specific time so as marriages’. The discussion is about – “There exist some people in the society who considers girl child a burden and led them in marriage life in early age.”
Stains of Staines : The act of killing to someone by someone is common crime nowadays. People should value life of others the same way they value theirs. Menu 11 is about the life of oneself which is sometimes snatched by the cruel people of the society leaving them dead.
Doctors or Geneis : Menu 12 focuses on the willing of work. Work should be done with pleasure and enthusiasm. The compulsion of something or the unwillingness is not desirable as it may ruin the work.
Authors have done a good work in his book. All the selected topics covered in the book are important to be aware of by every individual. Apart from it, the discussion on each topic is really catchy and praiseworthy.
The writing style is simple. Three characters take part in narrating the book named Amrita, Robert and Paul. They discuss over certain topics and listen to the views of each other. The main character in the book is Paul who speaks at last and the rest both agreed on the same.
Although the narration was smooth but it may felt edgy sometimes when reader finds some of the grammatical mistakes making the flow weak.
A worthy read.
Ratings : 4/5
Reviewer : Megha Biloniya