Title: Poetry for Everyone
Poet: Diwakar Pokhriyal
“Poetry for everyone”, for everyone? How can that’s be possible? Only few people are able to understand and read poetry, how can this book could be for everyone? The first look at the title would definitely pose such a question in the non-poetry reader’s mind or he/she would just put it down on seeing the cover. But friends, don’t do this mistake! This book is just not the book that compiles some of the poems you people couldn’t understand and couldn’t be able to make out a single meaning out of it.
“Poetry for everyone: 25 colors of poetry”, by Diwakar Pokhriyal, is a different poetry book I’ve came across in my life which just not composes poem but teaches how to compose in a friendly manner. The 25 colors of the poetry as states the subtitle, indicates towards the 25 different types of poetry poet has incorporated in this book. The 25 flavors are: Acoustic, Alliteration, Abecarderian, Baccresieze, Cinquain, Couplet, Cromorna, Diagonal Acrostic, enclosed rhyme, Epitaphs, Etheree, Etheree double, Fibonacci, Haiku, Senryu, Quatrain, Free verse, Rhyming, Tanka, Tetractys(triple), Remix poetry form, Upside down poetry, Zig zag rhyming, fun with words and Haptaoem.
I was so excited to go through this book and learn the 25 flavors of the poetry when I got to know this different concept of the book poet has worked on. Not only does he make you understand the poems and how to compose it, he has chosen a way of conversation to make it easy for the readers to adopt and learn them. This very way of helping readers and writers touched my heart, and I very much loved the concept.
From the title of the book to the cover design, everything plays a significant role and justifies with the content. In the beginning; a newbie gets a lesson on each kind of poetry as how it goes with example poetry and then few more poems are composed in all the categories mentioned above.
If a beginner chooses this book to learn the magic of poetry, he/she might get difficulty in understanding the poems, as in some of the poems resides the hidden meaning which an ardent poet loves but a newbie would face problem to gulp it down. According to me, some simpler poems should be used to make the journey and learning process easy for the newbies. Also the poems already recited in the learning section shouldn’t be repeated in the section ahead.
Ready to learn the twenty-five colors of poetry to color your canvas of thoughts? What are you waiting for friends? This is the right time to go through this book and be the one who can say,’ I’m no more afraid of poetry, instead I can compose poems that too 25 different kinds of!’
Rating: 4.5/5
Reviewer: Shweta Kesari