Title : Romance on Facebook
Authoress : Amrita Priya
There was a time when facebook is on everybody’s mind.Still it woes people and makes and breaks many relationship.I picked this book to commemorate some moments and dwell in some time back.The story is basically a keen traversal from eyeing each other through windows and terraces to keeping themselves updated through their facebook profile.
As the back cover says : ‘It is hard to resist the first love of your life especially when he is just a few clicks away.This is what happened to Geeti who discovered Siddhartha on Facebook after a gap of 19 years.Both have their own partners and children now; yet the old teenage spark continues over chats, messages, emoticons and things beyond that.’
The texture and outlook of the book resembles facebook very beautifully. About the blurb of the book, very precise but says it all.And the likeable thing about the blurb is-it is presented as if an updation of the status on facebook,below which you’ll find the options of like, comment and share.Title simply says what the story is all about.So,it passes the first stage of picking it up.
Facebook is meant to reach people who are physically distant from us and to meet some long lost friends,so, this is where the story of Geeti and Sid started. The story continues to juxtapose the feelings of Sid and Geeti,and their difference in perceptions towards life and relationships.Albeit having difference in perceptions,they are hooked to each other and gets impatient whenever their conversation comes to a halt.
This story to some extent also highlights on the part, the meaning of ‘relationship’ in India and US.How relationships keep on changing in America, and the way some women are still loyal to their husband, whether they are happy with their relationship or not. The story ,not at a single point drifts,even amidst the family chaos the same theme is clutched and driven over. The story is dipped in emotions and feelings like loyality,friendship,lust,love,attraction,and pretention.
Portration of emotions and feeling painted in a very lively manner. Writing fashion is simple and soothing, a novice reader would definitely feel comfortable with the writing style. Although not many characters have been a part of this story, as this story revolves around two protagonists, it deeply and very excellently characterized,which helps in making the story relatable and real.
And now when it comes to count negative points of the book, I didn’t find any such thing,specially because I picked it up as I was looking for a light read and I knew before reading that the book wouldn’t serve something out-of-the-box,so what I expected from it it serves very-well.
A light-read which one could easily go with that too in a single- go ,and I would like to recommend this book to novice readers and those who want to get carried away with this fling.A nice and one-time read book!
Rating : 3.6/5
Reviewer : Shweta Kesari
For reviews please contact: shwetakesari165@gmail.com