Title: The Mastery Manual
Author: Robin Sharma
Whenever you get stuck in the maze of your life and needs someone or something that could make you shine again and bring in the power to you, the energy to rise again and shine again and the one thing that shows you the path to travel, self-help books play a great role in such situations. Whenever it comes to self-help book, how could one forget to bring Robin Sharma in their home? The latest book of Robin Sharma, ‘The Mastery Manual’, is another book in the line to charge you up by telling how to enjoy life and live happily and blissfully.
As the back cover says:”
A life changing guide for professional as well as professional greatness!
‘The mastery Manual’ is packed with real world ideas and practices that will get you to world-class standards quickly. The book comprises 36 life-changing modules, each of which will help you to take your business and your life to next level.
You deserve to live your life at epic levels, creating spectacular results each day. Leave frustrations forever behind and feel yourself operating at your best.
‘The Mastery Manual’ will teach you to be inspired like the ultra-achievers, realize brave dreams and reconnect with the power that is within you to make you the master of your future.
The potent book is your manual-start reading it today!”
I’ve been through some of his books before, and what I noticed is every of his books is presented in a different and approaching manner and brings out different ideas so that the reader could feel friendly while going through his books. In this book, thirty-six chapters are there in totality, each of which consists of a general introduction portraying author’s thoughts, some inspirational quotes from great leaders and some from his previous books, his suggestions as how to be at your best self, along with some questions that reader need to pose to himself/herself to know better his/her life.
While reading the book, author’s thoughts get stir into your mind posing any questions in front of you in demand of honest answers. As you go ahead with this book, you would feel a positive energy surrounding you and by the end of it you would be all ready to set aside your fear giving your life a new shape and a healthy thinking process to precede it.
Alike all others book by the author; a very simple and friendly writing fashion has been served to the readers in this book. Along with that, flow of thoughts go so smoothly that it feels like you are sitting with the author himself and are having a live conversation with him.
The one thing that pins me while reading this book is monotonous content. Not even at one place, but the same content you could find at many other places. That very thing gave me the vibes that author is in very much hurry to complete this book that he didn’t took a sight how many times the same thing he has crafted in the book.
This book doesn’t stand completely on my expectations, although it serves readers the thoughts and commandments one needs to push himself/herself a step ahead.
Reviewer :Shweta Kesari