A Tree and a Woman

A tree is a powerful symbol and it appears in many creation stories, such as the World Ash or the Garden of Eden. Religions have revered trees. Buddha was enlightened sitting under a tree. Christmas is celebrated by decorating Christmas trees.


Its beauty and glory is in the green leaves, flowers and fruits that blossom in its womb, in giving shelter to birds, animals and humans alike. Now a tree is very similar to a woman, performing with ease so many different roles of being a devoted wife, obedient daughter, affectionate mother and a helping friend.

Nurture and care for her, and she will bless with fruits in the form of lovely kids and uniting the families together and her mere presence makes the life of a man much more perfumed and joyful. Celebrating the existence of each and every single beautiful woman.

by Rabjot Singh Isher Author of ‘A Journey Back Home’

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