Review of Monsoon Masala

Title : Monsoon Masala


Author : Sulagna Chaudhury




Blurb : 


“Siddharth Chatterjee – Mr Playboy…high flying career, parties, hot girls and loads of booze. Life can’t get better than this or can it?


Akanksha Dutta – Miss Perfectionist, who has fought against all odds and emerged as a winner, who detests the word “relationship” and wants to live life on her own terms only.


Welcome to Monsoon Masala, the whacky love story about the madness and magic in the lives of two individuals, Akanksha and Siddharth.


Multiple times they meet, they ditch and they separate. And then, on 8th June 2004, Venus is in transit for the first time since 1882.


Astrologers predict that this “celestial once in a lifetime” event will lead to the making of some great love stories.


Does it mean something “surreal” for these 2 strong individuals as well?”


My view :


The way prologue has been introduced is way enchanting,it gears you up to hear the story authoress has in store for you,but later it becomes the part of the acknowledgment.In the beginning of the story,Akansha speaks of telling  her love story with Siddharth, but she drifted out after a para or two,mentioning more about her village and family.Then and there the story losses its grip,it is holding from the effecting prologue. I had mentally prepared myself to be fed by a love story,but the flavour served to me was not welcomed at that point.On the other hand,the same content defines the background of Akansha,which is not at all bad to gulp,and later proved to be effecting and valid.


Writing Style : Authoress possesses a pleasant writing style,she chooses simple words to convey her thoughts and she mold her sentences in quite an appealing manner.Her writing style shows her maturity and art of playing with words cunningly.

Narration : Authoress has played the part of both the protagonists( Akansha and Siddharth) in a very favourable manner.She has done justice with both the characters,their feelings comes out very well and didn’t look artificial,it felt like the story has been co-authored by a male and a female writer,and their characterization comes out in a very wonderful manner.

Plot : The stories of both the protagonist are interesting to hear.Their story is simple but emblazons with fun,charm and humour,that would end up forcing your lips to curve.Although,their love story took some time to start,but it was entertaining to know about their traits, the funny and interesting events of their life to encounter.The first half of the book deals with their childhood,full of fun, and how and when they met.The story took a turn in the second half,and so does their life, when the complexities started to appear in their life,and the essence of love started to bloom.


Pothole : The only hiccup I found while going through the book is Bengali sentences in between,which is offcourse translated in English,but it provides a pause in the otherwise smooth journey.


An engaging,entertaining and light read!



Rating : 4/5




Reviewer : Shweta Kesari 

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