Review of 365 Steps to Self-Confidence


Author : David Lawrence Preston

“365 steps to self-confidence: Programme for Personal Transformation in just a few minutes a day”, as the title itself suggests,it is a self-help book to build your confidence and to understand yourself well so that you can make your future better.

As the back cover says ‘I have written this book for everyone-young and old, men, women, students, educators, business people, administrators, parents, homemakers, sports enthusiasts, entertainers- yes, and you!

It has been carefully structured into 52 sections, covering the following areas:

  • Deciding to be confident
  • Self- awareness

  • Thinking confidently

  • Using your imagination to improve self- image

  • Acting with confidence

  • Confident communication

Each section contains information, insights and words of inspiration, plus seven excercises, practical hints or points to ponder.That’s one day- not too taxing,is it?

I guarantee that if you read the material carefully and apply what you learn, you’ll notice big changes taking place within two or three months, and a year from now you’ll look back amazed at how much more confident you’ve become.’

After reading the blurb, it itself gave me confidence to see this book specially designed for one and all, as the author guarantees to hold your hand for the betterment and positive changes in life.365 steps to self- confidence are referred as 365 confidence builder in the book, so the title abruptly fits the content.On the other hand, cover designing is very simple,and can easily get reader’s attention, if one is looking for a confidence- booster book.

The book has been written in a different fashion ,but it was easy for me to make myself comfortable while reading.There was a charm of positivity all around the book.Some practical tasks has been asked to performed to better know oneself and make better improvement in different facets of life.

Such kinds of self-help books make difference to your life, albeit little ,but it do.These books are need to be read,read and re-read.They have the power to bring out a positive-you, if read carefully.It is evident from the book that author has been through many self-help books which resulted into his own encouraging and life-changing self-help book.

The only drawback of this book is repetition of the same thing at some places.Same thougts have been used but in a bit different way, which I think could be avoided.

Instead of focussing on theoretical description on how to become self- confident, this book focusses on practical tactics to evolve confidence.In this book, 365 practical tactics (some questions to yourself) has been given which help you to give a clear view to your life and makes you learn how to love yourself and accept yourself as you are.

Rating:4.6 /5

Reviewer : Shweta Kesari

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