Review of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Title : The Adventures of Tom Sawyer


Author : Mark Twain




The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a classical story written by Mark Twain in 1876. The title of the book gives the hint that the book is about the episodes played in Tom’s life. Story is about the salad days of a boy named Thomas Sawyer nicknamed Tom.


Tom is a mischievous boy. He has a younger brother named Sid and a cousin sister named Marry. He has an aunt named Polly who takes care of him and loved him so much. He doesn’t like to go to school for studies and to church to recite poems. He and his friend Huckleberry Fin were always in search of something new .They went together and enjoy the adventures of their wayfaring.


The story rolls around day to day activities of the protagonist. Protagonist has done some of the things which are to be proud of and the villagers show plaudit for what he had done. One day Tom and his friend Huck went to the graveyard with a dead cat and discovered the three people out there i.e. Dr. Robinson, Muff Potter and Injun Joe and had witnessed the murder of Dr. Robinson done by Injun Joe. Then they both blood signed an agreement between them that they will not uncover about this to anybody. But later wards Tom disclosed it in the court that the murder is done by Injun Joe and became apple of all’s eye in village as he saved Muff Potter .Tom was also fallen in love with a new girl in the town named Becky.


Tom and his friends Huck and Joe also went in woods and stayed there for long time to enjoy and later on visit their home back again. Tom and Huck also roams at night in search of treasure and they had found some other curious  things to deal with and as a result Huck saved Widow’s life and Tom finds the hidden culprit i.e. Injun Joe. At last Tom and Huck were successful in finding the hidden treasure.


The story has so many other events which are the part of Tom’s life. The story twirls with so many incidents that are related to each other. All the characters in the story are attractive. Every chapter unfolds new scene related to Tom’s life. The chapters are easily relatable. The narration style of the story was good and writing style of the story is simple, although it may be difficult for a kid to go through.


Some parts in the story are stretched too long that it may rankle reader’s mind and forces to turn the pages without reading further. In some parts the events and situations are rolled up in way which may ignite the feeling of puzzlement in reader’s mind. Some of the chapters are engaging and on the other hand some are repelling. The story would prove to be more compelling if the unnecessary phases of the story were dig out.


A light read. The book would be a good select for a kid who is interested in reading adventurous write ups.


Ratings : 3/5


Reviewer : Megha Biloniya

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