Review of Treasure Island

Review of Treasure Island

Title : Treasure Island


Author : Robert Louis Stevenson



Treasure Island is the adventurous classical story first published in 1883. The title of the book gives the hint that the story is about hidden treasure on an Island. Treasure Island is an adventurous story of a boy who tries his luck in finding the hidden treasure. He faces so many hurdles in chasing the treasure.


In the beginning of story the author illuminates the character of a captain named Billy Bones who is a drunkard. Billy has a cut across his one cheek. He usually drinks rum and sang his old sea songs viz-

“Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest

Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

Drink and devil had gone for the rest

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum”.


Billy starts to dwell in an innkeeper’s house. He pays the lodging money for residing at “Admirable Benbow” inn to innkeeper’s son named Jim Hawkins. Billy had set up a deal with Jim in which he would give him silver pennies if he would try his efforts to find a man with one leg. After then Jim keep his eyes open to find the traces of one leg man.  Jim’s father was not well and Dr. Livesey comes usually to see him. After some time Jim’s father died. Later on Bill also died.


The story takes twist when Jim and his mother find a map and they take it to Dr. Livesey. They decided to put on their efforts in chasing the treasure. Jim, his mother, Dr. Livesey and Squire Trelawny collected necessary stuffs and started their journey. The story continues as they took their steps in finding out the treasure. They faced several problems as the pirates are approaching against them and planning their evil thoughts. Their journey was full of difficulties, obstructions and struggle.


It was a great fun reading such a story. This book has completely seizes my attention. And I was more heedful as the story goes on uncovering the environment which the author had amassed in this story. Every chapter ignites the feeling of excitement and will make the reader eager to know what will be clutched up the very next moment.


All the characters mentioned in the book own realistic behaviors. I must say that the author had painted all his thoughts and imaginations very clearly and neatly in his book and the way he paints the characters are remarkable.


The articulation of the sentences are admirable and prodding me to read the book ahead. The writing style was easy. I found a smooth flow while reading the story and this was because of the good narration which author had submerged in the book while writing.


The only downfall which I locate that the some of the chapters in the book are slow paced but the theme which the book holds is admirable.


A fun and enjoyable read. It will be a good select for the young children fond of adventures and pirates.


Rating : 4.6/5


Reviewer : Megha Biloniya

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